Every country is different so even those with travel experience should make adaptations to the new travel destination’s culture and peculiarities. One of the biggest concerns in Costa Rica is protection and preservation of the ecosystem. Costa Ricans are warm and helpful people and will make you feel welcome as a tourista as long as you respect their beautiful home by following a few guidelines.
When traveling the roads of Costa Rican it is a good idea to find out about the conditions in advance. Especially if you are traveling with a rental car as the traffic is often quite chaotic. Once you have left the capital San José, however, the streets quickly become empty and it is no longer as hectic. Nevertheless, unlike other countries, there are a few challenges specific to Costa Rica.
The Ticos and Ticas (as they call themselves) are known for their very friendly and helpful nature. They have an open and warm personality and you can be sure of making many new friends on a trip to Costa Rica. In order to be able to talk to the locals, you should already have some knowledge of Spanish. They are family friendly and love to party. Since Costa Rica is a Catholic country, there are many religious festivals. The Ticos are not as direct, so it often makes more sense to say something “bluntly” than to get upset. When we travel, we must not forget that we have just left our own country to get to know something different. Therefore we should accept the mentality of the Ticos, such as “a la hora Tica”. This means “Costa Rican time” and refers to the stress-free way of life of the Ticos and that they sometimes arrive a little late. So take it with ease if something does not go as planned. Ticos live up to the well known phrase, Pura Vida meaning full life and are some of the happiest people in the world. Take something of this serenity with you and remember that you want to get to know a foreign country and this includes the way of life you discover during your experience.
When hiking throughout the nature of Costa Rica, we ask you to consider a few points:
Road traffic is typically a bit more chaotic than in other countries. Nevertheless, you can calmly explore Costa Rica with a rental car. Traffic drives on the right side of the road and the traffic rules are often very similar to the states.
Due to the heavy rainfall, there are often large potholes. A road in Costa Rica is not always a “road”. It can sometimes take hours for a few kilometers because you are on a gravel road and making slow progress. The nature you end up in afterwards often rewards the patience that driving sometimes takes. We recommend driving in daylight because it is easier to see all the potholes and better visibility in the higher mountain areas. A 4×4 rental car is always a good choice as you can get almost anywhere with it.
Speed limits must be observed at all times because speed cameras are also popular in Costa Rica. If there is a branch somewhere in the middle of the road, you should expect a deep pothole, a missing manhole cover, an accident site or a small break in the road, because branches are often used instead of a warning triangle.
Gas stations should be used for filling up as sometimes there are no gas stations between the cities. San Jose has a traffic restriction during the weekdays and depending on the last digit of your license plate, you may not be allowed to enter downtown on certain days of the week. This does not apply to rental cars. If you are stopped by the “traficos” (traffic police), show the rental car documents.
Don’t know when to visit? Find out more about the best times to travel to Costa Rica based on weather or flora and fauna.
Costa Rica has enough potential for a stay of months. It is important to think carefully about what you want to see when time is short.
What makes Costa Rica a special travel destination? Find out here about the characteristics of this tropical paradise and what types of travel we offer.
We are your contacts for a successful stay in Costa Rica and look forward to your inquiries: info@costaricainsider.com